Premises of life for a new and fuller year

Esteban Montilla | 11 enero, 2021


Salutations wishing you the best for 2021. I take this opportunity to share with you ten premises that, by following them, could assist you in making this year a more fulfilling life experience:

1) Maintain throughout the year a spirit of gratitude and generosity. Simply say more often, thanks, thank you very much. Share the goodness you receive from others. Even more, with the people, you consider having the greatest unmet needs. Do this without becoming burdensome and with a cheerful heart. Set aside time to offer your services as a volunteer in a good agency or for a cause that works towards a better humanity. Give thanks to the good people who have assisted you get to where you are today. 

2) Say yes to new opportunities for growth and integral human development. Take the risk to get out of the routine and, consequently, dare to say yes to the new opportunities, because they rarely appear again. Get out of the garden of conformity. Read more. Read beyond the traditional and accustomed. Row a little deeper. 

3) Focus on the most important things, which especially make a difference. Nurture close, trusting relationships with the people you know are truly your allies. Try not to give too much credit to life’s obstacles, because they will surely rob you and prevent you from having the opportunity to live your life to the fullest. Be clear about your priorities.

4) Filter your actions through love and justice. Only focus on activities that promote love and justice. This will encourage you to act in a more compassionate way and you will surely be able to embrace a more forgiving spirit. Remember, practice compassion for yourself and others. This will allow you to live freer of prejudice. Make an intentional effort to increase your psychological flexibility.

5) Consider your legacy. It is important for you to stop and think about all that you can leave to the people who pass through your life. It is good to reflect on what you can do in life that is beneficial to those closest to you. In that sense, I can remember my mother talking about “paying attention to the wake we leave behind”.

6) Share your life with allies; people who believe in you and care about your well-being. People of goodwill and goodness. Avoid people who hurt and smother dreams and truncate the potentials of others. You must be alert so as not to fall prey to people who oppress you and at the same time resist the temptation to dominate others. Identify and treat the diseases of the soul such as bitterness, arrogance, desire for dominance, corruption, and fanaticism. Hence, goodbye to oppression! Strengthen, then, relationships with health professionals with whom you can speak honestly and confidently. Consulting wise people can assist you in increasing your wisdom and thus decide well to live well. 

7) Eat healthily. If something has been alive and is edible (plant or animal, then it is good). The idea is to eat well by eating foods that have fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Few rations, it is the best option.

8) Keep moving. Walking, if possible, is the best exercise. At least 150 minutes of physical exercise per week makes a big difference. You can increase, with constancy and discipline, from 5000 to 10 thousand steps per day. It is important that together with your doctor you develop an exercise plan that can be translated into physical and mental health.

9) Sleep and rest as many hours as possible every day. Generally, activity and recreation contribute to good rest. Rest every day, rest weekly, and rest annually. Take more time to laugh and recreate your life in a healthy and dignified manner. It is important to work and generate, but rest and leisure are also of utmost importance.

10) Use and exercise more of the faith you have in God. The faith you have is enough. It is a matter of using it. To be occupied in the things that transcend (to put a pause from time to time to our realities to concentrate in the needs of the other people, is the essence of spirituality); it will allow you to grow in the spirit and will make prosper your soul. Please make use of the faith that seeks science, that seeks understanding. That faith that makes a difference.

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